This Beauty Suite episode is a continuation of our discussion about Pretty Privilege (Episode 27), we’re talking about the nip, tuck, and pull aka plastic surgery / cosmetic surgery. From the evolution of the social acceptance of plastic surgery and our thoughts and what we’ve thought about getting plastic surgery on, to the reasons many women get plastic surgery, social media influence, the realities and extremes of cosmetic surgery, and so much more! Grab your glass and join us on the couch.
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Episode Timeline
0:00 Intro & This Week’s Wines
08:10 Accessibility and Normalization of Plastic Surgery
14:25 Trying to Please Certain Men
16:14 Plastic Surgery in the Black Community
24:30 Media Brainwash and Influence
26:30 Genetics
29:10 Realities, Maintenance and Extremes of Plastic Surgery
33:34 Self-Confidence and Self-Love pt. 1
42:20 Intermission: Fruit Flies Freak Out
44:54 Self-Confidence and Self-Love pt. 2
49:12 Attention
52:21 Mental Health and Plastic Surgery
53:15 Environmental Impacts and Attention
56:58 Unrecognizable: The Chinese man who sued his wife for being ugly
57:57 Nature and Aging
59:35 Live in the Skin You’re In
1:01:23 Wine Review