Episode 37: Not Black Enough

Join us as we wine For the Culture. This one by us, for us, and about us, and we’re not holding back at all. We’re speaking candidly about not being black enough, having your black card revoke, representation matters, what it means to be black, the other side of white supremacy, black creators, and more! You might need something a little stronger than wine for this one!

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Episode Timeline

0:00 Hello beautiful people and fellow winers

2:00 This Week’s Wines: Rosé and water

6:50 For the Culture

9:07 What it means to be Black

14:41 Classic Black films

21:30 What do you mean by “Black”?

28:28 Boxing blackness

30:54 Representation in movies

39:17 Black card revoked

45:53 Made by the culture

47:37 You ain’t Black if…

50:27 The other side of white supremacy

55:08 The range of blackness

59:18 Wine Review: Rosé

1:01:42 Thank you for wining with us!