Episode 74: Simps and Pick Mes

Join us in our impromptu, honest and unfiltered conversation about Simps and Pick Mes (aka Pickmeishas). These terms have become popular insults the past year, and we took a moment to rant about their (over)usage, meanings, implications, and more. Grab your glass, a friend, and take a deep breath as we discuss Russell Wilson and Ciara, dating and relationship standards, what marriage really means, self-authenticity, accountability, and more!

Episode 73: Wine and Relationship Goals

We never know what questions we’ll pull out of the glass but sips always get real on the couch. Da Husband and Le Boyfriend returned to the couch, and we talked a lot about relationships on this month’s Wine Out. From bad dates to marriage, prenups and divorce, to love languages, attraction, and so much more, we don’t hold back as we discuss and debate. Join us as we taste all our September white wines!

Episode 72: Not My Disney Princess

In 2019 Disney announced its casting for the role of Ariel in their live-action remake of “The Little Mermaid” and adults took to social media to have a fit and express their outrage with #NotMyAriel. Fast forward to 2022 and the first trailer is causing the same, tantrums, hysteria, and keyboard conniptions among adults. As two women who grew up in the Renaissance Era* of the Disney princesses, we’re talking about our favorites, our perspectives on their legacies as they are physically diversified, the repetition of history (ala Brandy as Cinderella in 1997**), anti-blackness thinly hidden behind righteous indignation, the exploitation of children, and so much more. We didn’t intend to discuss preference vs. prejudice in quite this way, but the tides turned, and we leaned full steam into them because, if nothing else, on ALS2WA sips get real! Grab your glass and let’s stir up some controversy.

Wine Games and Fancy Names | Sips on the Road

As we wrap up our season one of "Sips on the Road Vlog", join us on our trip to Royal Rabbit Vineyard, in Baltimore County, MD for what we thought was going to be a simple wine purchase. However life had other plans and we had a ball as we tested our sense of smell :-P