Episode 57: Who’s Your Daddy? Father’s Day Trivia!

We’re celebrating Father’s Day in a different way. It’s trivia time! Our Podcast fam Shaton Clark joined us for our first ever guys vs. girls trivia game where we pay homage to famous TV sitcom dads and their families. Grab your glass, a friend, join us on the couch, and play along with us on this a three round trivia game about sitcom dads/fathers. It’s guys vs. girls and we had a blast! Laughs, trivia, and wine!

Episode 56: Vacations and Baecations

We’re all about getting out and seeing the world. And with covid restrictions lifting and more places reopening, this is going to be the summer of travel! Whether you’re going by skies, seas, highways or byways, solo travel, group travel, or romantic trips, a full week or weekend getaways, we’re here for all of it!

DC Spring Wine Festival | Sips on the Road

Come with us to the DC Spring Wine Festival! We grabbed Da Husband and Le Boyfriend and spent the day at the DC Wine Fest in NW Washington, DC. There were so many great wines and it was amazing to meet so many different vintners and winemakers.

Episode 55: Life, Relationships & LGBT Controversy

We never know what questions will be pulled out of the glass and this month's covered everything: life, relationships, and a little bit of controversy. We're talking favorite positions, embarrassing moments, who's responsible for the bills in a relationship, transgenders in sports, and more! Grab your glass and let's wine while we whine as we bring Chardonnay May to a close.

Episode 54: Cultural Gatekeeping: Protect Your Culture

Sometimes it's okay to be selfish! And when it comes to culture, sometimes it's necessary for integrity and preservation. On this For the Culture episode of ALS2WA, we’re stirring up a little controversy and saying what a lot of people feel but won’t say. This is not only for black people or the black community. This one is for everyone and all cultures! There is nothing wrong with forming and reinforcing and building your community, as long as you’re not spreading hate or destruction or discrimination of others.