Episode 36: What it Means to Be a Man

We brought in Da Husband and Le Boyfriend to help us kick off this year’s Wine’ing with the Guys (WWTG) series where we hear what men really think, feel, and believe when it comes to relationships, parenting, family, and more! To kick of 2022, we asked what it means to be a man. We’re talking what is masculinity, the death of chivalry, women raising men, being emasculated, toxic masculinity, conquering and hunting, and more.

Episode 35: Femininity vs. Feminism

Wine about Femininity and Feminism. We started with a simple question: Are you a feminist? This question, which we’ve never asked each other before, developed and evolved into a rich discussion about gender roles and positions, equal rights and accountability, modern day femininity, the range and differences of femininity, masculinity’s impact on femininity, wardrobe policing, and more!

Episode 34: Who Are You in 2022?

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It’s 2022! Wine with us as we look at who we are now in January 2022. As we did last year, we’re blindly interviewing each other so we can get to better know each other, and you can get to know us too. We’re talking about self-advice, self-development, personal growth, and our evolutions over the past year.

Happy Holidays, Fellow Winers!

Thanks for wining with us in 2021! We'll see you again Wednesday, January 5, 2022 for more fun, laughs, chats, and, of course, wine! In the meantime, connect with us on Instagram. Happy holidays and have a happy New Year!