Episode 22: Raising Daughters

A blend of our Beauty Suite and Motherhood Diaries series’, we’re talking about raising girls in 2021 and what it’s like being a mother to girls/daughter and the importance, influence, and impact of a mother’s influence on their daughter. We’re looking at the at-home vs. societal influences, good girls vs. attention seekers, the levels of beauty: pretty, cute, and sexy, dismantling the saying, “Raise your daughters and love your sons”, and more. Wine with us about a topic that’s not often explored outwardly and openly: what it’s like to raise strong, intelligent, pretty girls.

Episode 21: Lessons and Traumas from Bullying

In this episode we’re sharing our bullying experiences from elementary school through high school, even into adulthood, and looking at the lifelong emotional and psychological traumas, scars and impacts of bullying.

Episode 20: Marriage From a Man’s Perspective

Marriage is most often talked about from the POV of women. We’re switching it up and looking at marriage from the other side-- a man’s perspective. On this episode of Wine’ing with the Guys, we have a soon-to-be husband and a double time fiancé, join us to discuss what made them want to get married, changes their women and relationships experienced after popping the question, the influence of their parents’ relationship on their view of marriage, online dating, arranged marriages, and the social (de)evolution of marriage. We also discussed and debated commitment without marriage and the overall definition of marriage. Wine with us – and the guys – about a topic that is always full of emotions and controversy.

Episode 19: Dating with Children

There are more and more single parents, which means there are more and more people dating with children. In this episode, we're talking about all things dating with children from what it's like to date as a single mother to refusing to date men with children. We're discussing all the complications of dating with children from both perspectives. From dating single fathers to dating as a single mother, people who hide or lie about having children, to babymama drama, and more! Whether in your 20s or 30s dating where children are involved is a thing!

Episode 18: Back to School – Virtual, Homeschooling, Post Pandemic

It’s back to school time and we’re talking about the post-pandemic return to school: the impact of virtual schools on parents, teachers, and students; the pros and cons of distance learning, Critical Race Theory (CRT), racism and colorblindness, including the current school system changes in Oregon, and more.