E98: What’s on Your Bucket List?

Life is short. It's necessary to prioritize ourselves and set goals to help experience life as much as possible. Living your best life is a requirement, not an option. We're talking about the various things on our bucket lists-- or adventure lists -- that we hope to accomplish before it's too late. From black sand beaches, ice fishing, elephant and horseback riding to authentic Italian pizza and life goals; paragliding, skydiving, bungee jumping, rock climbing and rappelling, to castles in Vancouver and remote getaways. Grab a glass, a notebook, and join us on the couch. What's on your bucket list?

E97: The Guys’ Side of ALS2WA

We had a blast on this month's Wine Out Wine Tasting with the guys as we tasted all of our March women-owned (or led) wine brands. Grab a glass and a friend and join us on the couch as we discuss a range of topics pulled from the glass, as always. ❤

E96: Everything is Not Traumatic

Join us on the couch as we talk about one of the words that's become a buzzword and trigger for a lot of people. How did we get here? We're defining "trauma" and "traumatic" (per the dictionary!), looking at what breeds trauma, the power of words, and how language evolves. Grab your glass and wine with us!

E95: Masculinity Myths

Do men feel they have to hide their emotions or women won't respect them? Are men afraid to be vulnerable? Is men's brunch an acceptable thing? Do guys find validation and self-worth in their sexual conquests? Is pink really a feminine, girls-only color? Da Husband and Le Boyfriend joined us to discuss masculinity and manhood myths. There's so much stated about what it takes and means to be a man. And, as women, we have so much told to us about the opposite sex from general society that, often, isn't true or applies only on a case-by-case basis. Grab a glass, a guy or a girl, and join us on the couch as we chat, laugh, and wine!

E94: Shoot the Sht*: Fantasies, Sexual Requirements and Travel Tips

We decided to take a moment to have a sip and a laugh this episode and just "shoot the shxt", which turned into us talking about being a cougar, sexual preferences and requirements, Michelle's dancefloor mishap, Chevaun's trip to Italy, and local and international travel tips and advice. Grab a glass and join us on the couch as we just let our hair down for a change.